Medieval citywalls have lost their original function of protection against enemys. The beauty of the stones remain. Due to wind and rain, the carves in the stones stil tell stories about protection, struggle, coldsweat, courageous actions, winning and freedom. Digital artwork is showing these stories.
The exhibition is the result of an artist in residency in Museo Midac (Belforte del Chienti, Italy) and MAC Leusden, both musea for contemporary art.
When I choose this theme in 2018, citywalls were just for fun: freezones for walking the dog, wandering during a break with colleagues or hanging around with friends. For all of us it was a certainty that the medieval problems that necessitated the wall had been overcome forever. Now, in these times of corana, how to protect individuals and society is in the center of actuality again. Maybe we even should wish that medieval solutions as a wall could help.